
"I Love My Holden"

Davis says things like this a lot. He has such a sweet little heart and his new thing is kissing people in random places. Like, he loves kissing Holden's hands. And he kisses me on the arm, or on the cheek, and sometimes he'll kiss me on the calf if I'm sitting on the floor. And in addition to loving his Holden, there is a lot of Daddy love going on, which is so sweet to see. I think they really bonded while I was gone this past weekend. Monday on the way home from school, out of the blue, he said "I love my daddy so much..."

And then yesterday, on the way to school to be a part of the petting zoo, Bennett was driving next to us on the highway and I rolled Davis' window down. Just being silly, he started to throw his clementines (tangerines) in through our window. Davis thought it was the FUNNIEST THING he's ever seen. He laughed his brains out and said "My daddy is SOOOO funny..."

Also, Bennett figured out how to undo the governor on Davis' John Deere, so yesterday all I could hear was rip-roaring screaming and laughing from the backyard while Davis zipped around the place at what seemed like 20 miles per hour. Boys.

Last night I was able to go to the Y (I've been every night this week, which is a treat) and then I went over to Carrie's house for a girl's only version of our community group. It was so fun. I have such good friends. I'm hugely thankful for that. And certainly that will be one of the hardest things in moving to Minneapolis.

BUT ON A DIFFERENT NOTE...guess what is one of the BEST things about moving to Minneapolis? They have a grown-up a capella group there called "The Tune-Ups". YES. SERIOUSLY. I am dying over it. They are legit and all I can think about is how the success of my life in the midwest HINGES on my ability to get into The Tune Ups. I'm serious. I will be so depressed if I don't get in. They are having auditions on May 13th and they might let me do a video audition. We'll see. So cross your fingers and say a prayer for that, please.

Separately, while I'm just sharing my random thoughts...we might have a little diva on our hands. Holden is certainly starting to assert herself. If you take something from her, whether you are trying to help her or not, she loses it. She lets you know exactly how much she wants that back. My mom and I were laughing about it this morning. She's still her happy little content self- but occasionally we are starting to see her flex her muscles.

That's all for now. Happy Thursday.

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