
24 Week Update

Just got back from a marathon appointment- and we're thrilled to share that everything checked out so fine with little Davis Bennett. We measured and looked at everything from his brain and heart to his mouth and nose- and even got a little 3D shot of the face. It certainly looks like he has his dad's mouth- I have seen big Davis make that face or at least that mouth- a million times before. And he sure has chubby cheeks- which will be fun! Aside from that fun stuff- we were both just relieved to hear that all the parts are there and working the way they should be. Thank God! He is about 1 pound and 8 ounces at this point, and in the 50th percentile for size. Oh, and we signed up for childbirthing classes and registered for the hospital- so it's all starting to feel very real.

And a sideways shot of me in the waiting room. 24 down, 16 to go, and time is flying!

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