
12 Week Appointment

We went in this morning excited to do a sonogram, hoping to hear a heartbeat and see major growth since last time, and we ended up finding out so much more. We could not believe how much you could see compared to last time. Rather than a little tadpole, there was a baby in there- you could make out arms, legs, a cute little head, and you could even see it move his/her hands around. That alone made us giddy and then we could hear the consistent beat of the baby's heart, which I didn't realize would be such a relief until I heard it myself. Next they measured the neck to check for any potential problems- and we were thankful to hear that it was just the right size and the baby is in just the right place.

We thought we had heard it all and then she said "So do you want a prediction?" Davis and I looked at each other confused and probably both said "huh?" She explained to us that with these new machines you can see so clearly that they are able to tell sooner if it's a boy or a girl. Davis asked how sure she was...she smiled slyly and said "I'm 75% sure," so we said "okay".

Drum Roll...
"I think you have a little girl," she said.
"Is that just because you can't see the boy parts?" Davis asked.
"No, it's more than that. I can see the girl parts," she responded.

So Davis was right, and I (along with many people, and you know who you are) was wrong. But we're both thrilled and feel like it is so much more real today. When I pray tonight, I will thank God that she is healthy, and I'll say an extra special prayer for Davis- because he is in BIG trouble. :)

P.S. Unfortunately the image lost quality when scanning- but basically she is laying on her back- head is on the left, body is on the right. Pretty clear considering that she is the size of a lime.


  1. what words are there for this! i am so excited for you 3 - what a lucky little girl to have such excited, loving and fun parents! and what a lucky me i am to be an aunt..! how many exclamations marks can i fit on one comment?! xoxo nikki

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, guys!!!!

    I'm so happy for you! Holy cow, so excited!
