Last night we had the Ryans over- and he was in Time Out more often than he was able to play. He was such a stinker. He ran across the couch. He shook the lamp. He tried to unplug and plug things back in. He climbed up and stood on his little table. He refused to eat. Oh I hope this is just a phase. Last night he was up 5 times- just crying and crying. I think he IS getting his molars, so that makes me feel a little better about the way he is acting...but still. I want my sweetheart back.
Okay, but it's true. He's still pretty dang cute. And here are some pictures to prove it. I think he's going to be a lady killer. I guess every mom thinks that...but I see dads looking at him one day and thinking "here comes trouble." Not because he won't be an amazing, sweet, respectful guy (I will make SURE he is)...but because while he is sweet, he also has a wild streak. Just like his daddy. And girls fall for that every time- I can tell you that for sure :)
He is like a little mini Matt Damon. Cutie patootie.