of Sam Bennett...
7:15 wake up to Davis either pounding on the wall or babbling in his room...walk in, say hello to Davis, get a HUGE smile, snuggle him a minute, then let him suck down his morning bottle while I shower.
next i plop him in his little walker- give him some puffs and he toddles around for a bit. he loves to chase me, fred flinstone style, and then he pokes his head in my room while i get ready.
usually before we head out- i give him some yobaby yogurt- which he can't get enough of these days. if you don't have it open before he sees the yogurt he grunts and squeals like a crazy man. it's so funny- he sits there with his mouth wide open- just waiting for that yogurt to hit his tongue.
8:10 I drop Davis off with Laura, Scarlett and James. One of the best parts of the morning is seeing what characters James and Scarlett are that day. They have more costumes and more personality than any other little kids I know. Sometimes James is Mowgli, sometimes he is Darth Vader...sometimes Scarlett is a ballerina, but mainly she is some sort of princess.
The mid-section of my day is work- where I "play" a very professional ad executive. :)
5:30 I scramble out the door as fast as my legs will take me to pick Davis up. Yesterday when I picked him up- he was playing in the yard with Laura while James and Scarlett did rain dances- complete with umbrellas and wearing nothing but underwear. Laura gets the most fun mom award for sure.
6:00ish we get home, have some dinner, take a bath every other day or so, which he LOVES! now when he hears the tub running, he goes over and pulls up on the side and just grins. He squiggles all around in the water- loving every minute- fearless until he gets his little face wet and then he gasps like he has just taken in SO much water. then we play. sometimes we play in his room, sometimes we roll around on Davis and I's bed- he smiles so big when I plop him down on the mattress.
7:00 he lays down with a bottle, wearing a onesie and socks. he has a bottle, and then usually he rolls around and talks for a while until he falls asleep. sometimes he cries. sometimes he throws his pacifier over the side and then he really wails. when i go back in- he gives me the biggest grin like "oh good- i see you've changed your mind. let's play some more..." and it's very hard to walk back out.
7:30 then i start my night. i either go straight to the gym to meet stacey and work out or sometimes i just lie on the bed or couch for about 10-15 minutes to catch my breath for goodness sakes. then i think about ordering pizza...then i tell myself i can't and that i must eat something healthy if i'm going to be back in shape by his first birthday. so i eat something boring. then if davis is in town- we hang out and sometimes just lie on our bed and talk and sometimes we watch TV together and sometimes we watch a movie and sometimes i just read while he works or sometimes we both work.
10ish then we certainly lie in bed and talk and then i usually read and go to bed while davis continues to work and then he goes to sleep a bit later.
all in a day's work. :)