I can't get over how much Davis has changed and learned in the last few days. Here is a quick list- so I can both keep you up to date and remember to add it to his baby book.
- He is full on army crawling. I thought he was doing this before, but really he was just inch-worming. Now it's literally like a soldier, low crawling through the trenches. He can get anywhere and he especially likes to get under things, like his crib or the table, etc.
- Also, he props himself up on his hands and knees, sways back and forth, moves one knee forward, and then tumps over on his head. Once he figures out that you move one knee, and one leg, he is golden.
- He is eating little cracker puffs. This took a little getting used to- but now he loves them. Every once in a while, one will get stuck on his front lip, and it will just dangle there. He can feel that it's there, so he just slowly leans his whole body forward, thinking that might help...it's hysterical to watch.
- I put a little wrist rattle on him the other day, and he figured out what to do with it for the first time. He raised his little arm straight up in the air and shook it back and forth, smiling all the while. Before- he just chewed on it and tried to yank it off.
- When I go to pick him up in his little rainforest, I just stretch my arms out toward him, and he puts his up like "lift me up!"
- He is sitting up more and more, though he's not really so into it. He'll sit there for a while and play, but then he gets bored and starts army crawling or rolling around.
- I've started telling him "no" when he does the high pitch scream. I just calmly say "noooo" in a different voice, and he pauses and looks at me with a funny face, just trying to figure out what is going on. It seems to be working- probably more so because he hasn't heard that tone before- so it's nice to hear him say "blat bla bla bla bla" instead of a high pitched "SHRRIIIIIEEEEKKK!"
Aside from those measurable things, this is truly a week where I cannot stop thinking "where has my little baby gone?" He is such a different person. He cracks up over things, he smiles more, he asserts himself, and it's really gotten so fun. He turns 8 months old next week and I have to say- I really love this age. I've always loved him- but this is WAY more fun than 4 months ago.
Oh, p.s. gained a pound last week at WW. WHAT THE HECK? I have been busting my tail and I gained a pound? I'm hoping/thinking it's because I am doing serious weight lifting/stabilization workouts with Ahmad and gaining muscle. The positive side is that I did a little shopping this weekend and I'm down a size...plus I can feel the difference in my body- so I know it's working. Also, these workouts make me feel great. I contemplated "fake" sleeping through this morning. Like literally turned off my alarm...then I laid there and thought "who am I pulling a fast one on?" Just me. So I got up, went and worked out, and now my arms feel like they might fall off.