So it's crazy to be thinking about where little Davis will stay or who will stay with Davis when I go back to work when we hasn't even been born yet- but I guess you really have to plan for these things in advance. Anyway, after much research, Davis and I found a little daycare in downtown Austin that we both really like and so far feel pretty comfortable with (the atmosphere is fun and cozy, we've had lots of referrals, the people there seem genuinely happy, it's small and reminds Davis of his school in Woodstock New York, and it's right down the street from both of our jobs). So we put our name on their waiting list way back in March and we've been hoping that we would get in for their spring semester and that we would continue to feel good about that as top option (also looking into nannies, etc). Today I called to check in and see where we are standing on their waiting list in comparison with how many slots they will have open- and it's not sounding too promising.
She said they are only having 1-2 slots open at that time and the wait list is long. I sort of prodded and asked where we stood on that list and while she didn't answer specifically, she did say "Well, we're going to know in mid-October, so I will call YOU when I know..."
So I think instead of being glad that I am an excited mom- the lady was totally agitated and probably instead put a yellow post-it on our page that said "annoying mom".
It probably doesn't sound like a big deal except that, well, it is a big deal. It's the biggest deal that Davis can feel happy and cared for otherwise no way am I going to be able to go back to work and feel happy and like i'm being a good mom. Long story short, I'm feeling really bummed about this- so just asking that if anybody out there is reading this, if you wouldn't mind throwing a prayer out to the heavens that little Davis will end up at this little daycare if he is supposed to be there...or if not, that there is an even better plan that I am currently unaware of.
Thanks friends.